Thursday, December 31, 2009


No excuses. Really. There's not any reason why I've failed to update this blog. I still have all the right intentions, but more than enough distractions and reasons to put it off. At least, at the very least, I managed to make an attempt to catch up before the full year mark. I pray that this "hurry up it's almost a year since I updated" rush does not become a trend. At this point, I'm not even sure if anyone checks it anymore. No matter. I didn't make this blog for the sake of getting readers.

Violet is a toddler. The term "toddler" used to make me giggle because it reminded me of the jingle for the old-school toy, the "Weebles"... As in, "Weebles wobble but they don't fall down". Now as a parent of a toddler, my sense of humor is met with a dose of reality. Toddlers topple and they get hurt. It’s all part of the game, I suppose.

Violet’s curiosity, will, her desire to seek fun and adventure are traits that have manifested themselves to such a massive degree that they're now something I marvel at. The T.V. is rarely on when she’s up for myriad reasons, some of which revolve around the fact that she is so damn fun to watch. Currently at 2o months, she is more beautiful, intelligent, articulate, and aware than I ever imagined.

She eats what we eat. She doesn't get a bottle. She is officially nukless. She can express herself extremely well now by repeating familiar words like, "out, up, down, NO!, dudes, cars, eat, wa-wa" just to name a few. So far, Violet is still kind of a Melissa clone, but now, more than ever, her facial expressions are mine. I can read her emotions like a book. Everything she feels and thinks ends up being expressed with her face. She, like her father, will be terrible at poker.

Melissa has become an amazing mother. The amount of love she showers on Violet seems to have no end. Violet's needs are met with poise and grace. I knew the woman that I married would need to have infinite patience; little did I know that Melissa had more patience than any human being I have ever met. It's one of the many qualities I admire in her. Together, she and I are trying to be the best parents we can be. I've come up with the model of "fair, firm, and consistent", and it seems to be working well with our little miscreant. Violet tests us regularly and we believe that we don't always have to rely on "negotiation". We say and will continue to say "no" to her and mean it. Some things are up for negotiation, but other things are not. Our daughter has picked up on this after only a few harrowing weeks.

All in all, things are awesome in the Conroy house, despite having to wade through the morass of toys and everything else she can get her hands on; however, I think that the clutter comes with the territory. Another lesson we've tried, and are still trying, to instill in our daughter is to put things away when she's done with them. She understands the phrases, "please put that back where you found it" and "please put this book back if you want us to read another to you". So far, so good. I think if we had a designated play area in our home, the toy issue would be resolved or worked on in the same manner. Not so much the case in our town home, lovely though it is.

More to come, as updating the blog with some regularity is on my list of resolutions for this year.
If there are any more readers out there, let me know by posting a message. Having this fall on deaf ears doesn't really matter, but if I know I have some readers still around, I might be more inclined to post with some frequency.

On to the pics:

11 month series

It was around this time that I started to see my face in hers, bruises included.
Lots of falls and spills when she was this age. Hard to watch, unless you're twisted.

Violet in "grab everything" mode. Dad in "I'm going to eat you" mode.

"One Cheerio to rule them all".


12 month series:

Her 1st birthday was a massive success; due mostly because of Melissa's planning and love.

V was leery about smashing her cupcake at first. To be honest, she still doesn't like food or crud on her hands.. but she doesn't mind it on her face one bit.

Birthday balloon? Check. Inedible plastic weight in mouth? Check.
Discovering the power of helium? Check.

Rounding out the day at the "mosh-pit" aka the indoor play ground at Woodfield Mall.
I have a love/hate relationship with this place, but V loves it.

Grandpa Mitchell and Great Grandmother Talli at Violet's 1st birthday party.

Great reaction to a present. Complete with a high pitched scream. Good times.

13 month series:

In a word: Wark.
Needless to say that the baby chocobo was a BIG hit at ACEN.

Test run of the chocobo costume. V was not happy with the hood.
This unhappiness was nowhere to be found at the convention when she was
the CENTER of attention. Teenage girls moaning "awwww" was enough for this
little choco to ditch her hatred of wearing hats for the time being.

Cosplay trophy, GET! Melissa's hard work and Violet's
willingness to be fawned over made it all happen. That and having
two Japanese judges go completely nuts over V's costume.

14 month series:

My future soccer star. Still working on dribbling, but she can toss the ball
pretty well.

One of the few shots in this series when she looked at the camera.

Consumption of non-nutritive substances... although Melissa
is smart in her attempt at consuming cute.

Another obligatory mow hawk pic. I certainly hope that when she
turns 13 this will be her haircut of choice.

16 month series:

At least this postpones her asking for the keys. She can activate it,
but she can't steer. Parallel parking lessons start next summer.

She asked for a "venti no whip half mocha half caramel macchiato". She received
a cup of water instead.

Mesmerized by the train. She usually cries when the train leaves, however.

17 month series:

Early stages of human food consumption. Please note the
t-shirt I bought her. I can get her to say Thor. Spiderman, however
is just "man". Still plenty of time to remedy this.

"Look. All I said was Jenova". I wanted to steal my buddy's
buster sword for her. Totally cool.

Steady diet of Aspartame. Just kidding.

I think I tempted her with pizza in order to get her to smile like this.

Every one and a while, Melissa and I would treat her to a Baby Einstein DVD. Since then
she recognizes the cases, calls them "Dees", and can open up the DVD player and put the disc in.
Currently she's in love with Toy Story, I would prefer TRON, but I can't win them all.