Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Melissa and I were scheduled to arrive at the hospital at 6AM. We woke up early, got in the car and not unlike a well oiled machine, we arrived early. For those of you that know us, this is an event in and of itself.

We sat in the emergency waiting room for 30 minutes after being told that we would be escorted to the delivery area of the hospital. It seems as if there was a slight snafu in communication as a second call was put to the delivery floor and someone was quickly dispatched to bring us up. At least I got to watch an episode of Pokemon while waiting.

As soon as we made it in Melissa was hooked up with an IVs with standard fluids and Pitocin. A little less than an hour later, our Doc showed up and broke Melissa's bag of waters.

She's currently sitting here calmly watching the monitor intently... always the data driven person.

On a couple of side notes, we told our nurse (Michelle) about the blog and the fan fare we've created around our doc and his incredible mustache. She encouraged us to show him. After breaking Melissa's bag of waters, I showed him the blog and he loved it. He then escorted about half of the nursing staff into our room to have them check it out. Nice job Ryan! I think he may want to hire you out to re-vamp his website.

Sorry for the lack of images on this post. There's not a whole hell of a lot to take pictures of here at the hospital. No sculptures, no cool logos or anything. Snoozeville as far as good things to decorate the post with.

As I type, the contractions the become more frequent and a lot more intense since breaking the bag of waters.

I'm amazed at how fast things are happening. All I can say is wow!

More to follow shortly.

Update: 11:30 AM. Melissa slugged out 3 hours of labor. With the shot of Pitocin her contractions were starting to stack one upon the other and the pain was at a level that was too much for her, or any other human being. The anesthesiologist came in and administered the epidural. As for now, she's feeling much better.

Update 6:03 PM. Melissa is currently 6-7 cm dilated. The nursing staff has done a great job at monitoring her progress as well as Violet's. As of right now, Melissa is wearing an oxygen mask to help stimulate and "wake" Violet up a little. After another examination, the nurse suggested that Violet might be in the neighborhood of 9lbs and that her head is peeking through a little and is cone-shaped. If Violet enters the world looking for Beldar and craving chicken embryos, the world is in trouble.

"Ghrmfrerm mmehrhmph cmerhhph"
Translation: Get that ****'n camera out of my face.

Update: 8:54 PM. Epidural started to wear off and the pain of the contractions came back in full force. Epidural re-administered. After Melissa became a little more comfortable, our doc came in and gave her another exam. He told us that the next step in the process is pushing. She's 10cm dilated and ready to force Violet out of her comfy, warm environment. The pain Melissa was having seemed to take the air out of the room for me. Violet seems to be facing outward instead of the correct or favorable position. Here's to hoping that Violet proves to be a little more agreeable when she's actually with us and growing up, and not such a obstinate little imp she's being now in utero.

Tensions are high and patience is low. Just a little longer and we'll be golden.


Anonymous said...

Baby yet?!

Anonymous said...

At lunch, we were prognosticating the exact time of Violet's arrival. Larry's got 1:15 (silly Larry), Tami has 2:57, I've got 3:13, Chinske has 3:30, Sharon has 4:15, Ellen's 6:00, and Ben has happy hour. Thanks for being our lunchtime entertainment!

Conroy said...

At this point, I think Ellen will be the winner. Have you all decided on the prize? I can give her a cup of ice chips when I see her in May.

Anonymous said...

Where is Next-Gen Conroy!?


Anonymous said...

Coincidently, Doug and I were in the exact same position a year ago today. Jack was born on Wednesday, 4/4. We're thinking about you today and hope that everything continues to go smoothly. Remember, there is something wonderful at the end of this not-so-fun process...a meal :) (I've never had a better blueberry muffin in my life!); oh and your beautiful baby girl! Also, aren't epidurals wonderful?
-The Gerbers

WML said...

Violet is soooo worth the wait - every contraction, every ice chip. I can't wait to check back later.

Sean, every dad to be should read your blog the emotion is "right there." Your little girl is lucky to have you.

Anonymous said...

We didn't bet anything---the winner gets bragging rights. It was fun, though! I'm still crossing my fingers for 3:13...

Anonymous said...


I don't know if you will see this and I don't care if this is posted, but I want you to know how much I love you and pray, pray, PRAY that you and Violet are OK. I want so much to be with you and tell you all will be well just as I did when you were little and were sick. I know that this is different, but there must be apprehension there as well as all the excitement. I hope that all ten toes and ten fingers and two ears and eyes are all in place and that I can hold my little granddaughter soon. Mommy loves you, Sissy, and little Violet too.

Anonymous said...

conroy³ arrive yet?!

I'm all out of fingernails so I'm chewing on the corner of my desk.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the wait, guys, I'll be out in a minute. I'm tanking for this raid, and I need to stick around at least for the next boss to see if my purple shoulders drop. Then I'll be right out, I promise.

And I might be 9 lbs, but I wear it well.


Anonymous said...

YAY BABY TIME!!! i'm so jealous! just for the sake of blog thoroughness you should describe the color of Violet's first poo...


Anonymous said...

How does one top Violet's post? She PWNs everyone... 4RLZ. I actually didn't know people liked to raid in Mother's Womb. I raided there once and didn't like it too much. It seemed to take forever. I was so glad to get out. I actually heard that Violet likes it so much she's doing PUGs now. OMGWTFBBQ?!?!