Sunday, April 13, 2008


The heading of this blog entry (sure hope I spelled this one right) is a lot like a previous, however the message behind it is a little different.

It's been a few days since my last post. Not much has happened, but here's a quick update: Last weekend, Melissa and I noticed that Violet's tongue looked like she had some left over formula on it. Melissa took a wet cloth to it and it didn't wipe off as expected. By the time our Doctor's appointment with Braverman rolled around, the spots had spread to cover most of her tongue and a little bit of her mouth. One quick Google session later, we discovered that it was thrush. At the appointment with Dr. Braverman, he gave us a prescription to an anti-yeast medication and within 2-3 days of treatment, we all noticed a difference. She's to continue treatment for two weeks taking a dose once a day.

As I type, the thrush is 100% clear from her mouth. With every spit up comes a little more of the material from the back of her throat and tongue. The thrush didn't cause any issues during feeding, but it certainly caused a lot of late night scream sessions that would last for an hour or so. She's feeling a lot better now and we're seeing an improvement in her disposition again. She's very vocal when something isn't right with her and Melissa and I appreciate it.

Little Violet passed the weight requirement at our last visit to Dr. Braverman. She weighed in at just a few ounces under her original birth weight and the doc was pleased. Melissa and I breathed a sigh of relief. Violet chose to defecate on the scale in an act of poopy defiance for having to strip her down and put her naked butt on a cold scale. Let's hope she doesn't have it in her to stage a full scale poo d'etat.

Melissa and I are tired. She has the worse end of things again because of the pumping, but we're slowly trying to get a schedule going where we share the responsibilities of feeding, cleaning, and burping. Most of the day while Violet sleeps, we're either busy cleaning and prepping for the next feeding or we're napping. "Get some rest" indeed.

It was just yesterday that Melissa and I noticed that Violet now knows that she needs to be fed every 3 hours.Like clockwork, Violet alerts us to her feeding times without us having to look at a clock beforehand. Amazing.

Overall, things are running smoothly and Violet is getting healthier and chunkier.

Here are some new pics:

I don't want to ruin this with a snide caption.

1st go at "tummy time"... or as Ryan would put it,
"commando time".

This came out a little dark but I had to post it because
it looks like the plush insect swarm is attacking our child.
Good times!

Violet's favorite time of day.

Any Conroy in there?

Any sign of Howard?

I'm convinced that Violet is a Melissa Clone. She didn't even
need me to produce offspring. If I wasn't there for the birth
I'd say that Violet sprung forth from Melissa's head. If we want a second,
we'll just cut off Melissa's pinkie finger and watch a child grow from the appendage .

Thanks for all the support, comments, and gifts. It's nice to be able to share all this with people who care!


Anonymous said...


oh this isn't Never mind.

I still insist she looks like you around the eyes. So glad your little one is feeling better. The kids are very excited that you're coming to Whispers next Saturday. They miss you.

Anonymous said...

Things get easier every day or no children would be born.
Since day one, Violet has looked like Melissa and her sister. I still do not see you, Sean.
Our little guy at eight months can be found in the dishwasher, etc. They change so much every second.
Learn to love every stage. You cannot get it back.


Anonymous said...

I agree with Eileen, there's "Sean" in there about a picture of you next to her! That is one adorable baby, what great pix.

WML said...

I LOVE babies, but since the three Louria girls will remain the three Louria girls unless Providence has something else in mind, I will have to live vicariously through lucky people like you.

Violet looks perfectly amazing.

Steve Ericson said...

She really looks like you when she cries. Like about the baby formula, I can tell she's all like "waaaa its the same as last time".

But seriously you guys have a great looking kid, I know someone who also had a baby this past week and, well, yours is way better looking.

Your beard is good.

Anonymous said...

I like how in the 'insect swarm' picture, V looks like she is about to bust out some sweet kung fu moves. Don't be surprised if one day you hear a ruckus, go to check on her, and you see her stuffed animals laying strewn about, decimated, feathers and fluff drifting down ever so gently as she looks at you innocently.

Anonymous said...

After doing a quick catch up to all of your posts it was comforting to see another couple face the same hurdles Athena and I have with the same level of success. I think your most treasured ability at this point is your willingness (ahem...BOTH of your...) to do whatever it takes to make it work. Dealing with limited movement from the C section, as well as standard issues with feeding as Earen would NOT latch on for some reason, I found myself in awe of my wife for all she could manage. It was worth sticking with it as eventually he has an "ah-HA" moment where he decided he knew how to feed and it was all gravy afterwards. I hope for you all the best, and I will help with whatever lame insight I can help with. I am usually only good for vague memories. I was drunk most of the time anyway, but whatever... thats not important.

Anonymous said...

She is so adorable!!!! See you Saturday!

Anonymous said...


that's right....

that's all.

Anonymous said...

I definitely see a Melissa/Sean combination. She really is quite photogenic!

Hope you are hanging in there. I'm sending positive vibes your way!

As Reiff would say, word out.