Saturday, March 22, 2008


Not the most flattering of pictures of my wife. She'll probably make me take it down after beating me with one of her shoes, provided she can bend down and pick them up off the floor in time.

On many occasion I've told Melissa, particularly after comforting her during times of high anxiety, stress, or exhaustion, that she's my hero. Cheesy, isn't it? Some of you are probably thinking, damn.. way to score points, Sean! But I assure you that I mean it 100%.

More often than not, my wife (shown here) has really tough nights fraught with insomnia, emergency bladder evacuation, cramps, you name it. I've slowly gotten used to the early morning routine of her lumbering in and out of bed. Although I will admit that wearing earplugs helps immensely.... but oddly enough the earplugs fail to drown out the snoring. OH MY GOD the snoring! I'll get into that some other time.

Let's go back to why she's my hero. It wasn't until the third trimester that I actually started observing and really watching how my wife copes with the weight she's carrying around her abdomen and how tough it really must be to do things with a massive belly in front of her. Aside from the jokes and a little mockery, I really don't know how she does it. I think I would end up tossing myself off a bridge instead of coping with the frustration. She has got to be so uncomfortable that I try to imagine times when I was uncomfortable and I'm sure that those experiences pale in comparison to what she's experiencing.

Some days, especially after work, her edema is so bad that her legs and feet look like the mystic warrior that explodes in Big Trouble Little China (She laughed through the tears at that comparison). Exhaustion doesn't seem to come close to what state she's in if she's had a rough night and/or had a busy day. I can only imagine how this is going to change (worsen?) when Violet arrives. I might be in the same boat as she is.

When she crashes, and it's often, she crashes hard. The above picture was taken today after treating ourselves to Taco Bell and heading over to Target to look for whatever we were looking for. I suggested that I would drop her off and head to the comics store to look for the newest edition of Twisted ToyFare Theater, but I decided to stay here an keep an eye on her. Hell, I might even do the dishes that have been sitting there for a week, just to make her life a little easier.

Cloud says, "HEY! Quit hogging the couch!"


Steve Ericson said...

That cat needs a real caption.

Rest up while you can!

Anonymous said...

lol cloud is saying "feed ma belly"

Anonymous said...

Congrats on having the new bundle of joy. We are so pleased to know that there is another Conroy in this world.

With love always,
Jim, Julie, Justin & Dylan Bragg